SKALA donates 100% of profits to a diverse, thoughtfully curated list of social justice organizations, as follows--

Black Trans Advocacy Coalition is a social justice organization led by black trans people that works to end poverty, discrimination, and inequities faced in the black transgender human experience. BTAC is providing rapid response funds and free care packages that include live-saving PPE to the transgender community in response to the COVID-19 crisis.

Crenshaw Dairy Mart is an artist collective and art gallery sponsored by arts-entrepreneurship non-profit Fractured Atlas that is dedicated to shifting trauma-induced conditions of poverty and economic injustice. CDM is providing free art supplies during the COVID-19 crisis to the Watts and South Central Los Angeles community.

Navajo Water Project is an Indigenous-led project as part of the human rights non-profit Dig Deep that brings clean, hot and cold running water to Navajo families across several U.S. states. These families are are 67 times more likely than other Americans to live without running water or a toilet, and have the highest COVID-19 infection rate in the U.S.

Summaeverythang is a community center in South Central Los Angeles organized by artist Lauren Halsey that donates and delivers organic produce from Southern California farms to the South Central Los Angeles community.

Please fill out the form at Checkout to note which organization(s) you would like to receive a donation from your purchase. You will receive a confirmation of the donation made possible by your purchase in addition to an order confirmation once your order has shipped.


Complimentary pick-up and drop-off in the Los Angeles area is available on a limited basis— please get in touch before purchasing.


Each SKALA piece is quality-guaranteed— if you encounter any issues with your piece, please get in touch to arrange for complimentary return and repair.


SKALA strives to be gender-inclusive, size-inclusive, and disability-inclusive. Any related feedback is more than welcome!